Owls of Bath artists showcased their beautiful owl sculptures on the streets of the World Heritage city of Bath and surrounding area for nearly three months this summer. A huge thanks to all of the talented artists and designers who gave their time and expertise to the project!
Children from Twerton Infant School welcoming their blank owlet, which was transformed into 'Twert Twoo', which was displayed with Warrell and Bartholomew the Royal Owlet! in Bath's Central Library
All of the owls and owlets will be displayed at the Owls Hoot Farewell Weekend on 29/30 September at the Bath Recreation Ground.
See the Auction page of the website for further details. It'll be a hoot!
Owl Artists
Bath mosaic artist Natasha Rampley created the beautiful 'Night Owl' for the Norie Trust, which was displayed at Milsom Place near its nest-mate the colourful Trigiforms, painted by Sue Guthrie
The giant flock of super-sized owls was decorated by artists from Bath, Bristol, London, Brighton, Birmingham and beyond.
The smaller owlets were decorated by local schools and charities and will belong to them at the end of the event as a legacy of the project.
'Golden Civetta' taking shape in Josie Bahar's studio for Holburne Park
Bath College art students decorated 'Beaky' one of the smaller Owlets, kindly sponsored by the Bath BID - what a hoot! Beaky was displayed outside Lulu Caffe opposite the College

Latest Media Coverage
June 15, 2018
Cold snap transforms Little Owl into Snowy Owl!
February 2, 2019
Owls of Bath – Bath Life Awards finalist
February 2, 2019
Last Owls of Bath sculptures fly off to new homes for Christmas!
November 23, 2018
Owls land at Bath Christmas Market
November 19, 2018
November 16, 2018
Pop up Owls shop – Thursday!
October 24, 2018“The Swans of Wells sculpture trail really put Wells on the map in 2012 and attracted thousands of visitors to the city. Local businesses reported a significant increase in trade and people were drawn to parts of Wells they hadn’t visited before. The auction raised an incredible £100,000. We are all still talking about it today.”
Danny Unwin, Mayor of Wells 2012“As one of the first businesses to sign up as a [Pig] sponsor, we saw the enormous positive benefits of being involved from the outset. The response from locals and visitors alike was remarkable.”
Martin Tracy, The Framing Workshop“‘Gromit Unleashed’ saw 1.18m visitors over the 10-week display period, of which 900,000 visited specifically to see the Gromit sculptures. Footfall to Bristol’s Museums doubled.”
Gromit Unleashed, Bristol“Gromit Unleashed has helped shine a light on Bristol as a hub for culture, tourism and creativity and showcase its strengths in front of an international audience. We enjoyed tremendously positive publicity, welcomed more visitors from far and wide, and our businesses reaped the benefits.”
John Hirst, Chief Executive, Destination Bristol“The King Bladud’s Pig project was the best thing that ever happened in Bath on many fronts. It really increased footfall around the city and helped independent retailers. It also brought people into Bath from the local environs, who continue to come long after re-discovering what a wonderful city Bath is.”
Annette Martin, Bath Aqua Glass“The King Bladud’s Pigs were one of the best boosts to tourism that I have experienced.”
Charles Curnock, Administrator, Bath AbbeyMy pet owl will soon turn 180.
He’s not old, he just has a bad neck. (Hoot!)
“It was with sheer delight that I rounded a corner on my first ever visit to … where they were filming Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and saw a line of big, grey, fluffy, bewildered-looking owls blinking back at me.” JK Rowling
The Little Owl has a large global range and is found in 84 countries (much of Europe, Asia east to Korea, North Africa, and the Middle East).
The Little Owl is one of the smallest owls. It was introduced to Britain from Europe in the 1880s to help control garden pests and can be found living in tree hollows around the Bath area.
Little Owls were introduced into Britain from Europe during the late 1880s to control garden pests.
There are thought to be 5,700 pairs in the UK.
In 2008, a herd of 100 King Bladud’s Pigs descended on Bath to take part in one of the UK’s first public art sculpture trails.
There are around 200 species of owl.
The largest is Blakiston’s fish owl (Japan, China, Siberia)
For 2008’s King Bladud’s Pig trail 40,000 trail maps led pig fans on a city-wide journey of exploration.
A group of owls is called a parliament.
(Of course, most owls are solitary!)
Owls do not have spherical eyes, they have tube eyes (providing better depth perception and allowing them to see prey from great distances. Their close vision is not as clear.)
Many owls have asymmetrical ears that vary in size and are at different heights on their heads. This allows them to better pinpoint where their prey is.
Little Owls have decreased by 70% over the last 20 years. The UK Little Owl Project is working to protect them and is based in Bath.
Headline sponsor – SouthGate Bath