The Wowlet
Sponsor: Freshford Pre-School • Artist: Freshford Pre-School

About the sponsor Freshford Pre-School is an Ofsted graded Outstanding community-run Pre-School based in Freshford, between Bath and Bradford on Avon. We offer fun, creative and stimulating early years education and care for children aged between 2 years 6 months and 5 years during term times. Our unique atmosphere is shaped by our ethos, "Explore, Create, Discover". Our children have the freedom to explore outside at every session with a wide range of quality resources. We run weekly Forest School sessions throughout the year, which provide opportunities for the children to develop their self-confidence, self-esteem and team work, whilst exploring the natural world.
About the artist The children of Freshford have been so excited to have an owlet to decorate, and their inspiration has come from our Wow Cow mascot, along with an Owl Tree we visit for our Forest School Sessions. The Wowlet is decorated with hand prints, to create a timeless masterpiece that all the children will create collaboratively, embedding the feeling of being part of a team at the setting. To see the children’s faces when they met their Owlet for the first time was absolutely priceless. Their creativity and enthusiasm has shone through, and it has nurtured their self-confidence and self-esteem. This will be a memory that will last a lifetime.
Where? Freshford Village Hall, Freshford Lane, Freshford, Bath BA2 7UR. No. 94 bus stops just outside The Galleries Shop & Cafe next door, open Mon-Fri 8am-6pm. Sat & Sun 9am-12.30pm (Cafe open Mon 9am-2pm, Tues - Fri 9am-4pm, Sat& Sun 9am-12.30pm). Freshford railway station a 10-minute walk away. Limited parking.