Sponsor: Mogers Drewett • Artist: Lois Cordelia

About the owl HerschOWL is an artistic celebration of the work and discovery of the Herschel family and their many achievements and contribution to our beautiful City of Bath. HerschOWL celebrates William and Caroline Herschel's extraordinary contribution to the nocturnal pursuit of astronomy. William accidentally discovered the planet Uranus in 1781 using a homemade telescope in his back garden in Bath. Owl artist Lois Cordelia was thrilled to be invited to paint HerschOWL at the Herschel's home, which is now the Herschel Museum of Astronomy.
About the sponsor South West law firm with HQ in Bath and a long history of serving its people and businesses.
About the artist Lois Cordelia is a versatile Suffolk-based artist and illustrator in acrylics, paper-cutting and mixed media who welcomes commissions. She mostly works live in public and community spaces and has created designs for public art sculpture trails across the UK. Lois came to Bath for three days to paint HerschOWL in the Herschel Museum, where William and his sister
Where? Outside Mogers Drewett 24 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HY (doorstep)