Forest Stump
Sponsor: Yewtrade • Artist: Jane Robinson

About the owl Forrest Stump's design was inspired by woodland walks and the magical forms that appear in old tree stumps, the natural habitat of Little Owls ( Probably slightly influenced by Peter Jackson and Lord of the Rings.)
About the sponsor Yewtrade is a digital barter business exchange with a very profitable twist. Yewtrade guarantees you new business and more profit whilst conserving cash within your business.
About the artist Jane Robinson specialises in Trompe L’oeil and has painted many commissioned pieces in and around Bath over the last 25 years.
Where? Outside Waitrose, The Podium, Northgate St, Bath BA1 5AL. Viewing times Mon-Fri 0730-2100. Sat 0730-2000. Sun 1100-1700.