Sponsor: Oldfield School • Artist: Oldfield School

About the owl We have taken one of the student’s designs, using a Roman theme. The owl is in the school colours and reflects our school brand but with silver armour to reflect the history of Bath.
About the sponsor This is a high achieving comprehensive school with an inclusive ethos which allows students of all abilities, backgrounds and aptitudes to achieve or exceed their potential.
About the artist Our winning owl design was by Emily in Year 10 from Minerva House. As one of our school houses was called Minerva, the idea of sponsoring one of the Minerva's Owls of Bath owlets really appealed to us and the students.
Where? Royal Victoria Pavilion Cafe, Royal Victoria Park, Royal Ave, Bath BA1 2NR. Rear of Pavilion, overlooking tennis courts & Bath on the Beach (from 21st July). Open 7 days 0900-2000.