Sponsor: Great Western Air Ambulance Charity • Artist: Claire Harmer
About the owl Our owlet’s tranquil location made us look to nature for inspiration for our design. Sycamore seeds are natural helicopters, reflecting our helicopter, Helimed 65 and Great Western Air Ambulance charity’s distinctive green and blue livery shades are woven into the design. Each of the 97 seeds represents an emergency that GWAAC was tasked to in Bath in 2017. We hope that Bob will help raise awareness about Bath’s local air ambulance charity. It’s yours, it’s a charity, keep it flying!
About the sponsor Great Western Air Ambulance Charity is Bath’s local air ambulance service, providing critical care for people living in, working in and visiting the city.
About the artist Claire Harmer is GWAAC's Volunteer and Events Coordinator. In her day job Claire looks after hundreds of volunteers, plans GWAAC challenges and is responsible for Great Western Heart Starters, which teaches CPR in secondary schools across the region. A keen artist in her spare time, Claire was delighted to take on the challenge of helping a little owlet take flight with GWAAC!
Where? Parade Gardens, Grand Parade, City Centre, Bath, BA2 4DF. Free entry B&NES residents with Discovery Card. Adults £2, Concessions & children over 5 £1. Opening times 10.00-19.00 or 10.00-18.00 in September. Bob is nesting near the entrance and fabulous Floral Owl display.